Saturday, November 29, 2008

Holiday festivities...

The greenhouse in town, Doebel's, has an annual petting zoo along with lots of other scheduled events during the holiday season. Today was an ice carving, that I thought cal would enjoy...

I think he actually enjoyed the petting zoo more, but the ice carving was interesting to watch, nonetheless... they carved several christmas trees and a frosty snowman...

there was a sign on the door to the petting zoo that said, "please don't chase the animals..." I had to laugh as soon as I saw this, I know my son. He just HAD to get his hands on those chickens and ducks!

Of course, they all waddled too fast for him.

then they had some kind of deep-fried waffles just before you left. cal helped himself to 3 or 4. he thought the snowman bench was there for him to sit on.

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