Saturday, January 12, 2008

Birthday cake...

Cal helped me make his birthday cake today for his party later in the evening... It is hard to believe this little man is 2 already... time does truly fly.

Cal was a big help with the cakes that we made... Luckily he is quite a "monkey-see, monkey-do" type of kid, so I only had break open one egg and then he could repeat... of course this lead to some cute mishaps!

Mommy had to show him the most important part of making cake... cleaning the mixer!
We made chocolate and funfetti (the cake was chocolate and the cupcakes were funfetti) on a sidebar, I will point out that unfortunately by the time the party came around, there were no more cupcakes left... the dog took it upon himself to "clean up" all of the cupcakes on the counter, luckily for us, he did not touch the chocolate cake! thank the lord!

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