Monday, December 24, 2007

christmas eve is finally here!

We had a practice run of gift opening on christmas eve with some gifts from grammy and poppy. Calvin really loved this and I just can't wait until the morning to see how his face will light up after Santa has come and gone...

Then we put our cookies out for Santa and some carrot sticks out for the reindeer.

Cal didn't like this, he wanted to eat all the cookies and even the carrot sticks, I am sure in the years to come we will laugh at this, but at the time, it was very frustrating to explain to him that the plate of goodies was for Santa! Cal threw an absolute fit... that was when it was decided it was bed time for one little man!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had a great Christmas! It was great to see pictures of the whole family. It sounds like Cal and Madison had opposite problems, Cal wanted to eat the Santa cookies and Madison couldn't stop crying because the Santa cookies were gone on Christmas day. Too cute! Miss you guys tons! Love you...