Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas at Gramma and Boppa's

We spent saturday the 22nd at the Brandt's house for christmas with my family. What a day! Calvin got to see cousin Zac after a long time without him and they love playing together! We were all very tired by the time we left, then I had to go to work from 11-7! yuck.

Calvin got a brand new table and chairs from grandma which he absolutely loves. anything that is kid sized is a winner in his book. we tried to make the kids eat at that table, but that didn't go over so well, in fact, I don't think they ended up eating lunch at all... too much gift opening excitement

Then we had to make our annual batch of sugar cookies, which usually ends up being a bigger mess than the cookies are even worth, but it is fun nonetheless.

Cal of course, felt that any cookies gramma sat in front of him were his own cookies to sprinkle... and then eat... so when I tried to explain to him that we had to decorate the cookies, then NOT eat them... he pretty much exploded. I think he ended up eating the 3 cookies that he decorated. Zac decorated the rest... after all, he actually understood the concept of not eating ALL of the cookies!

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