Sunday, October 28, 2007

more trick or treating...

Nate and Nicholas were so tired by the time we were done... they were laying down and trying to rest, but not Cal!!! He was ready and raring to go with this new understanding of halloween... All these random people, willing to give away CANDY!!! Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable, and totally worth wearing this ridiculous costume. Oh, that, and the fact that mom had to carry him in between every single house!!! (I will let you know when I can actually lift my arms and stand up straight again... it may be a while!)

Every time a house would offer for cal to make a choice from a large bucket of candy, he would look specifically for suckers... these are his favorite type of treat (probably because mommy doesn't let him have them very often at all and they last a LONG time)
still going!!! nothing slows him down.

All in all, a very rewarding trick or treating experience...

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