Like most mommies, I receive offers in the mail daily for new magazines and disney movies or whatever the advertisers can get their hands on to try to entice moms to keep their kids busy so they can get a moment's peace... Most of these offers have some little something for the kids in them to make you want them even more. Usually this is stickers or an activity. This particular day, we received an ad for a magazine that had a whole page of alphabet stickers in it.
Well, cal LOVES stickers. Usually we will find them in the most interesting of places after he is through with them... inside cabinets, on his bed, the backs of all our chairs at the dinner table, in his diaper at the next change, or just basically scattered willy-nilly throughout the house.
Today was no different, only a little more interesting in that, shortly after being given his prized possessions (a whole page of NEW stickers!!!) he reappeared, only to be covered with them! I don't think I stopped laughing for at least an hour... Then, when he decided they were no good on his face... (he couldn't enjoy staring at them there!) somebody else got the wrath of his stickering power...
Poor Ralphie, luckily he is a good sport and was asleep for the majority of Cal's workmanship. He only woke up after I happened upon them and was laughing and taking pictures. what a crew we have here at the houseofwahls!