Monday, September 17, 2007

Trip to Pennsylvania

Time for a family vacation?!?! Ah, yes, I do believe so! We started out for what would be Calvin's first family vacation on September 16. We officially have been starting our family vacations in september ever since Adam and I got married, simply because there is a lot less vacation traffic at that time and it is good to get away from it all when nobody else expects it... AND we get to celebrate our anniversary in a new way each year.
What a trip, calvin of course spent about half of the car ride sleeping. which was good, except for the half he wasn't sleeping. We took a break in Penn at the cutest little rest stop with beautiful flowers and this neat picnic bench that cal just loved.
Then we had to take a break at a burger joint Adam has been wanting to visit since he heard about it some 3 years ago. Where they have 3, 6, and 15 pound burgers and you get a prize and your name on a wall if you can actually eat it all. Of course there are stipulations, i.e. can't use utensils, have to eat it in an hour etc.

Adam tried his hardest but could only get 3/4 of the way through this big daddy without thinking he may vomit with the next bite!

Then it was another 2 hours to our hotel just outside of Hershey, PA!

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