On Tuesday evening after bath time (I just happened to capture the moment before the havoc in this pic) cal was playing on his rocking chair and just being in a generally foul mood when he suddenly fell sideways. I immediately didn't like the way that he had fallen, or the fact that he was fussy afterwards but, as Adam pointed out, it was long past bed time and cal is known for his fussiness at these times. I offered to make a run to the ER but we decided to put cal to bed and see if he fell asleep(because we thought "no one can sleep with a broken bone" right?!?!), which he immediately did (fall asleep, that is).
But then, the next morning, which just so happened to be the day of his 16 month check up, I noticed that he was not using his right arm as much as usual and that if he did use it, he would fuss or almost like buckle under any pressure, so I called the doctor.
Well, one long wait, some x-rays, a cast and a Dr. ali later, here is cal
attempting to eat for the first time with a cast, he will be a leftie now for sure!
BUT, that is not the end of this treacherous story, because cal is one of thost kids where there is always a twist. cal thought he wanted nothing to do with this silly short cast and proceeded to take it off several times wednesday night and all day thursday
so on friday, in to see dr. stepanic and a new cast... one that even my little houdini can not remove!